
Orabloc Needles

Orabloc Needles

Italian technology and quality for a better injection experience.
Available for metric and inch thread in any gauge and size combination depending on customer request. CE and FDA certified.
  • 30G XXS 0.30x12mm
  • 30G XS 0.30x16mm
  • 30G S 0.30x21mm
  • 30G S 0.30x25mm
  • 27G L 0.40x35mm

Features and advantages of the Orabloc needles

Orabloc Dental Needles thanks to the Italian technology are designed for a better penetration of the oral mucosa.
Two features distinguish Orabloc needles from the competitors:
  • Sharpening to reduce pain perception;
  • A perfectly siliconized external needle surface for a smooth injection.

Technical features

  • Triple sharpening
  • Anti coring effect
  • Bevel indicators to orient the tip direction
  • Siliconized to facilitate tissues penetration
  • EO sterilized
  • Hood with sterility guarantee closure
The perfect sharpening surface of the needles tested in every penetration phase places the Orabloc needles at the top of the quality standard
  1. Pre-threated plastic hub
  2. Bevel indicators for orienting the needle
  3. Siliconized cannulas
  4. Hypodermic needles high grade stainless steel
  5. Triple sharpening to reduce pain perception


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