
Needlestick Safety System

Stop Needle-Stick Injuries.
No worries. Be Safe, be Smart.

Features and benefits

The Needlestick Safety System represents a very small investment in safety that reduces exposure to contaminated multi-use anesthetic needles in dentistry prior to the point of needle disposal.
Supports compliance of OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standards

Features and benefits

  • Prevents accidental needle-sticks regardless of re-capping method
  • The hard outer shell of the capsule makes it impossible for needles to penetrate
  • Prevents accidental needle-sticks during re-capping whether the needle is straight or angled
  • Protects healthcare personnel even if the original needle cap is no longer available
  • 100% mitigates the risk of needle-stick injuries, even during temporary storage of the syringe
  • Prevents accidental needle-sticks if the needle falls or is left unattended on a tray or when disposing in a sharps container
  • Protects housekeeping and waste management workers
  • 100 protective capsules in each device will protect needles for 100 injections
  • Easy to use with the one-handed recapping technique
  • Fits all needles for both human and veterinary use regardless of size and gauge
  • Works with bent or angled needles
  • Colored capsules for easy visualization when capsules are running low
  • Non-slip, high-quality silicone bottom to adhere to surfaces
  • Re-caps tips on both sides of the dental needle


Very simple and easy to use


01. Place the needle tip in the funnel opening on top of the device.


02. Remove the syringe. A protective capsule will be covering the needle.


03. The system “automatically advances” to the next available capsule.

Regulatory framework

The World Health Organization has estimated that every year there are more than 3 million needlestick injuries for which it has emerged the need to protect the workers involved

USA - 2000

“Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act”, the first specific legislation on the prevention of risks of accidental needlestick injuries.

(OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standards)

EU - 2010

Council Directive 2010/32/UE implementing the Framework Agreement on, prevention from sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector. It imposes the obligation to use inside the sanitary structures (public and private) safety devices in order to prevent the needlestick injuries.
In 2015 the World Health Organization launched the “Global Injection Safety”, an information campaign adopting the new Guidelines on safe injections.


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Patterson Dental Holdings, Inc.

Patterson Dental Holdings, Inc.

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